On Service and the 34th Annual Dr. MLK Jr Breakfast

In this post, LTG Ferriter reflects on the tremendous and inspirational gathering at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Birthday Breakfast at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on 21 January 2019.
I had the privilege of attending the 34th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. breakfast in Columbus, Ohio yesterday. The theme was Education=Intelligence + Character. What a great message for us all to remember.
Columbus is such a beautiful, clean city that I walk any chance I get – even if it is tipping below zero. On that bright Monday morning, it was -6 degrees out. All bundled up in clothing, I was reminded of my days in the mountains of Ranger School, freezing and simultaneously building character. Unlike Ranger school, I was walking to food… and for that I am thankful!
I was honored to be invited to sit on the dais with 30 other top community leaders. There were over 2,000 people in attendance. How incredible is that? People from all backgrounds with many different viewpoints came together to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and all that he fought for. There were dance performances and three amazing choirs who sang a dozen songs. The mood was bright and hopeful. As we sang the National Anthem, I was reminded how great our Nation is and how many ways people can serve in support of this vision and each other.
I reflected on the number of examples within our [National Veterans Memorial and] Museum where our military took on issues that the Nation couldn’t handle. We have examples of segregated Regiments, women breaking through gender barriers, and even (still) fighting against foreign enemies who want to take over our country and steal our freedom.
The breakfast caused each of us to pause and reflect on our own lives and how we demonstrate inspired leadership. It was such a joy to be included in the audience with the Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther, THE Ohio State University President Dr. Michael Drake, and Congresswoman Joyce Beatty – each play a major role in the incredible leadership this town provides.
As I walked home, the day had warmed – to -2 degrees – and with a belly full of food, I recognized there are still so many things we must still do to improve the lives of this nation and people around the world. To start, we can all do what’s right, do our best, and demonstrate inspired leadership. Performing service for others is enhanced with a foundation in these principles. Keep going, Hooah!