Links to Freedom Expanding in Support of Wounded Warriors

Links to Freedom success!!! The Ferriter Group is delighted to share that Links to Freedom Golf program will open at 3 new locations in 2018.
Mike Ferriter received a call from friend and PGA professional Steve Greiner as 2017 came to a close to inform him that the Army approved the next three sites for the Links to Freedom Wounded Warrior golf program. Steve cofounded the Links to Freedom program with LTC (Ret.) Rob Koon. The Ferriter Group helped Links to Freedom directly with the Army to gain the 2018 program sites.
The Links to Freedom Approach
Links to Freedom (L2F) is a 501C3 non profit. The program provides 8 weeks of golf instruction for up to 60 Wounded Warriors and their families for free. L2F runs 2-3 iterations per summer at each location. In 2017, the L2F program ran at Ft. Belvoir, VA, Andrews AFB, MD and Hill AFB, UT. What is significant and unique about the program is that L2F and The Ferriter Group partner with local PGA teaching professionals who attend in person and provide the instruction to the Wounded Warriors. Typically, the PGA pros teach without compensation, or for minimal cover of expenses such as transportation. At the conclusion of the golf instruction most of the new golfers receive a set of new golf clubs from Salute Military Golf Association (SMGA). The Ferriter Group supported Steve and Rob as they established Links to Freedom in 2014; LTG (Ret.) Ferriter has served as the leader of the advisory board since 2014.
Special thanks from The Ferriter Group to the PGA professionals, US Army Installation Management Command, SMGA, and the many volunteers who make this great program possible. If you wish to support and sponsor Links to Freedom, please contact or
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