Driving Down the Stretch – 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament

On 26 August, Mike joined Down the Stretch Ranch in its second annual charity golf tournament. Down the Stretch Ranch is a foundation that acquires thoroughbred race horses that can no longer perform at the track because of age, injury or ability. Pairing the horses and veterans of war provides a unique opportunity for therapeutic rehabilitation in which both horses and humans thrive.
These horses bring comfort and companionship to veterans of war; effectively changing the lives of American Veterans who suffer from a diverse range of disadvantages and disabilities. The proceeds of the DTSR golf tournament support the day-to-day operations of the ranch. The charity tournament results also support the healthy and happy lives of our retirees and continued visits of many more veterans. Learn more about Down the Stretch Ranch and its life-changing work. DTSR is located west of Spokane, WA.